How to Draw a Hand Holding a Pencil Easy TUTORIAL

Learning how to draw easily is one of the nearly important things you tin can do if you want to be a adept figurative artist. Only why are they so difficult to get right?

And what if there was a simple style to draw hands that didn't involve years of study and piles of textbooks?

Relax. After reading this article, y'all'll have a much better agreement of how the hand is constructed and how to describe it.

You lot don't have to go baffled by science or learn lots of complicated terms that are equally difficult to pronounce as they are to remember.

This article will evidence y'all how to:

  • Hands depict the hand from any angle
  • Describe realistic-looking crease lines
  • Describe a hand belongings different objects
  • Interruption the mitt down into simple shapes that anyone can draw

So, are you prepare to acquire how to draw hands without the hassle?

All you lot need is a pencil and some paper to get started.


Analogy one: There are iv groups of bones which make upward your hand

How to Describe Hands: Basic Beefcake

Here'southward a diagram of the bone construction in the hand. Every bit you tin see, the mitt is basically fabricated upwards of four dissimilar groups of basic:

  • The bones in your fingers and thumb (medical term: Phalanges)
  • The bones in your hand (medical term: Metacarpals)
  • The bones in your wrist (medical term: Carpal bones), and
  • The bones of your arm which the paw is attached to
    (medical term: the Ulna and Radius)

How to Draw Hands Without the Hassle 3 hand diagram real hand pk

Analogy 2: See how the bones in the illustration lucifer upwards to the basic in a existent hand?

How to Draw Hands: Getting Started With Simple Shapes

Now, allow's have a expect at how this diagram relates to a existent hand. The colored lines on the image of the real paw are color-coded with the basic of the hand in the diagram.

Now you know how the hand is constructed, let's get started with some basic shapes and proportions which will assistance you lot depict it more hands.

For this commencement practice, you'll be drawing the palm side of the hand.

i. Drawing the Palm of the Hand

The simplest way to draw the palm of the hand is to draw a shape like this, which is basically a rectangle with rounded edges:

How to Draw Hands Without the Hassle 4 hand palm shape

Illustration 3: Draw a basic 'steak' shape for the palm

If it helps, imagine this as existence similar to the shape of a steak (or a nut cutlet if yous're vegetarian!) As well, considering this 'steak' shape isn't completely flat, you'll need to draw it with some depth like in the illustration.

Drawing and thinking of this shape as a 3D object will assistance you when you lot come up to add the fingers and will finish your drawing from looking likewise flat.

Using the illustration as your reference, practice cartoon this shape every bit many times as you like until you fully understand it.

Once y'all feel totally confident with cartoon this shape, you lot'll be ready to motion onto the adjacent office of learning how to draw hands.

2. Cartoon the Fingers and Thumbs

Once you've drawn your basic shape for the palm, it's time to move on to the fingers. Let's expect at the bones proportions of the hand commencement, considering this will aid you draw the fingers at the correct size:

Agreement the proportions of the fingers volition assistance yous draw easily
Illustration four: Agreement the proportions of the fingers volition help you depict easily

The basic proportions of the hand are every bit follows:

  • The forefinger (ane) and the ring finger (3) are roughly the aforementioned length
  • The middle finger (2) is the longest of all
  • The little finger (4) is considerably shorter than the others and falls roughly in line with the third articulation in the forefinger
  • The thumb (5) is attached much lower down, and roughly lines upwards with the beginning joint in your little finger
  • The length of the center finger is roughly the aforementioned as the palm or back of your hand

The easiest way to depict the fingers is to see them as a series of cylindrical shapes, like this:

Illustration 5: The fingers can be drawn as cylinder shapes

Drawing them this way will help you establish where the joints in the fingers are, and teach y'all to come across the fingers as 3D shapes instead of flat, 2D shapes.

At present look at your own hand. Notice how your fingers aren't completely straight, but bend slightly towards the eye finger? This is a subtle detail, just information technology'll brand a huge difference to how realistic your drawings of easily look.

How to Draw Hands Without the Hassle 5 hand finger cylinders 1

Illustration 6: Notice how your fingers aren't totally straight

The other important thing to recollect here is how the fingers are attached to the palm. Rather than existence attached in a directly line, the fingers actually sit on a curved line or arc that goes down at the little finger.

You as well need to notice how the thumb usually sits at a slight angle when compared to the other fingers. It'll wait a fiddling unnatural if yous describe it looking face-on like the other fingers.

Using the prototype in a higher place as your reference, exercise cartoon the hand using these simple shapes. Go on doing information technology until y'all outset to go more familiar with the structure of the hand and its proportions.

At that place are three principal lines in the palm
Illustration 7: There are three main lines in the palm

How to Draw Crease Lines on the Palm

To make your mitt drawings expect more realistic, you'll desire to add some crease lines to the palm and fingers.

There are three main lines you need to draw on the palm. These are:

  • The center line (1)
  • The head line (ii)
  • The life line (iii)

Accept a look at your own hand and meet how these lines curve beyond the surface of the palm. The head line (3) and the life line (3) both start from the aforementioned point at the base of the forefinger.

The middle line starts right between the forefinger and middle finger, and then curves down towards the outer border of the hand. Information technology stops roughly level with the base of your thumb.

If you expect at your wrists, you'll also see some creases. These 2 lines are known every bit your 'bracelets' and they curve around the cylindrical shape of your wrist.

Yous tin add these if y'all like, but information technology's not essential – specially if you're just starting out learning how to draw hands.

Remember how each of your fingers is made up of three bones? Well, it probably won't surprise you to learn the pucker lines on your fingers are at the indicate where each of these basic come across.

Take a look at your own fingers. Find how the pucker lines in the fingers also follow an arc shape similar the residuum of the mitt?

Go alee and sketch these lines in, similar in the illustration to a higher place. This is another small detail that will make a big difference to how realistic your drawings expect.

How to Draw Hands Without the Hassle 6 back of hand

Illustration 8: Draw simple lines to indicate the creases in the hand

Drawing Hands From the Other Side

In one case you've got the hang of drawing hands from the palm side, why not endeavor drawing them from the other side, otherwise known as the back of your hand?

The major differences between the palm and the back of your hand:

  • The visible bones of the knuckles
  • The different advent of the skin on the dorsum of the hand
  • Creases betwixt the fingers
  • Fingernails

Start off by cartoon the same bones 'steak' shape for the main part of the hand. Then, taking notation of the proportions of the fingers and thumb and the joints betwixt the bones (as in Illustration 4), sketch in those basic cylinder shapes to represent the fingers.

1. Calculation the Fingernails

The fingernails are often overlooked when learning how to draw hands, simply they're actually a pretty important feature – especially if you're drawing or painting hands shut up.

Not just that, merely the fingernails tin also exist used as a useful reference point with regards to the proportions of the mitt. For example, the meridian of the index and band fingers roughly lines up with the lesser of the fingernail on your heart finger.Pro Tip: Accept a good await at your ain hand and fingernails. Are they long, short, painted or in need of a little manicuring?

The look of the hands and fingernails says a lot about a person, and then this is something you'll desire to bear in mind when creating original characters, for example. So how do you get started? Here are the master points to call back:

  • The fingernails start near halfway upwards the superlative articulation of each finger
  • Always leave a small gap at each side of the fingernail
  • The length of fingernails varies from person to person, ie. males and females
  • Fingernails aren't apartment – they curve around the surface of the cylinders you drew for the fingers
  • If looking at the hand from the top, the fingernail on the pollex will ever be seen in a 3-quarter view. This is because of the way your thumb is fastened to the balance of your manus.

2. Drawing the Knuckles

The duke sit at the base of each finger, and also sit down on an arc shape. When the paw is relaxed, the knuckles ordinarily aren't too prominent.

A simple way to draw these is to add two straight lines or curved lines similar spoken communication brackets at the base of each finger.

3. Drawing the Crease Lines on the Fingers

Merely similar with drawing the palm side of the mitt, the pucker lines announced where the joints of the bones in each finger meet.

To draw the main creases in the centre of each finger, just draw 2 curved lines like voice communication brackets turned on their side. Notice how these also sit on an arc, rather than a straight line?

If you look at your own mitt, you lot'll too notice some smaller lines at the base of the first bone on each finger. You lot can sketch these in using some elementary curved lines, only like in the analogy.

At the base of each finger, at that place are some pocket-sized diagonal crease lines where each finger meets the next.

Now, follow this verbal same process for drawing the crease lines on the thumb.

How to Draw Hands Without the Hassle 7 hand angles

Analogy nine: Use elementary measurements to aid you draw easily

How to Draw Hands: How the Manus and Fingers Move

At present you've learned how to depict the bones shape of the hand from both sides, let's take a look at how the fingers motility and how you can describe them more than accurately.

First, let'due south take a look at how your fingers move without bending them.

Look at the superlative of your mitt and fan your fingers out as far as you can, like in the illustration above. Notice how you lot tin just fan them and so far?

It'southward the pocket-sized details similar this that will make a big difference to how realistic your drawings and paintings expect.

For this next practise, we'll use the length of the forefinger as our main reference measurement (measurement 1) like in the illustration.

The main points to remember are:

  • The maximum opening betwixt the thumb and forefinger (measurement two) is about i-and-a-half times the length of the forefinger (measurement ane). So, it's measurement one plus half this measurement again.
  • The maximum opening between the forefinger and ring finger is the same length equally the forefinger (measurement 1)
  • The maximum opening betwixt your ring finger and fiddling finger is the same length every bit the forefinger (measurement 1).Endeavour it yourself by holding your commencement three fingers together and moving your footling finger every bit far equally it volition go.You lot'll notice the pinkie isn't extended as far as this in our analogy, just nosotros've drawn the measurement anyway to show you how far it could go.
  • The maximum angle possible between your pollex and piffling finger when fanned out is 90 degrees. Once more, try it yourself and see this measurement in activity.

How to Draw Hands Without the Hassle 8 fingers bending

Illustration 10: Notice how your fingers move when you bend them

How to Draw the Fingers Bending

Now, allow's look at how the fingers move when you lot bend them.

Start, try bending your forefinger from a straight position into a curled position like in the illustration.

Notice how:

  • The 2nd joint in your finger is always the showtime to move
  • This is followed past the third articulation
  • It's most incommunicable to move 1 finger without moving the others slightly
  • The pollex is the only function of your mitt which tin can movement independently
  • The actual proportions of the fingers don't change – only the angles

It's important to remember these small details when cartoon hands, because they'll help give your drawings a more realistic feel.

Your fingers and thumb bend slightly when your hand is relaxed
Analogy 11: Your fingers and pollex curve slightly when your mitt is relaxed

How to Depict the Hand in a Relaxed Position

Considering we utilize our hands all the time, they're rarely in one position for very long.

Whether it'southward property a pencil, lifting food and drink to your mouth or even brandishing a sword, there are all kinds of different poses for hands.

Follow along and describe the useful poses in our illustrations. These are a not bad identify to start, because they'll aid you understand how the hand moves.

And, in one case you feel more than confident with your hand drawings, you tin can experiment with other poses if y'all like.

First, let's take a wait at the hand in the relaxed position…

Relax your hand and accept a look at what'south happening.

Find how:

  • The fingers and pollex are curved or bent slightly.
  • Because they're bent, you might observe some slight foreshortening of the fingers. Don't worry about this too much for now – nosotros'll become into foreshortening in more detail in our next blog posts on drawing hands.
  • The creases in your fingers don't fall on a direct line – in fact, they fall on an arc shape, similar in the illustration.
  • You tin as well see this arc shape in your knuckles and the joints in your fingers.

How to Draw Hands Without the Hassle 9 fists

Illustration 12: Hither are the main differences to look out for when drawing a fist

How to Depict a Clenched Fist

Now, let's see how a clenched fist looks…

First, clench your fist and take a expect at information technology from the front.

The main things you'll notice are:

  • The top joint of your fingers are barely visible when viewed from this bending
  • Your duke are raised and sit on an arc shape.
  • The thumb is bent around your fingers.

Practice drawing your fist from this bending, and take a look at the paradigm above for guidance.

Now, let's view that same clenched fist from the other side (from below).

The chief things to remember here are that:

  • The middle joints of your fingers aren't level with each other. Instead, they sit on an upwards bending like in the illustration.
  • Your basic 'steak' shape bends in the middle – roughly at the lesser of the pollex.
  • The thumb is bent in the center and in three-quarter view. It roughly lines up with the middle joint of your alphabetize finger.
  • Depending on how tightly-clenched your fist is, y'all might not see the tops of the fingers at all. If loosely-clenched, then the top parts of each finger will appear foreshortened.
Find how the fingers move when holding objects
Analogy 13: Notice how the fingers motility when property objects

How to Draw a Mitt Holding a Pencil

Our fingers can adjust to hold many dissimilar things, and it's useful to have an idea of how some of the master poses look.

Get-go, let's see what happens when we agree a pencil…

Pick upwardly a pencil or pen and hold information technology in your fingers like you were writing or drawing. Detect how your fingers bend and position themselves to ensure a comfortable grip?

The main things to remember here are:

  • Your index finger is the one with the most control.
  • Your middle, band, and little fingers curl back towards your palm.
  • Your thumb works with your index finger to keep the pencil (or pen) in identify.


Illustration 14: Your fingers curl around the shape of the object yous're holding

How to Draw a Mitt Belongings a Glass

Now option upwardly a glass and look at your manus. Find how your fingers have automatically aptitude and formed themselves into the best position for doing this?

You can see how:

  • The middle and ring fingers are the most visible ones when wrapped around the glass
  • The index finger is less visible and acts every bit a back up
  • The thumb is bent slightly on the other side to assistance hold the glass in place
  • The little finger is barely visible at all – you can merely really come across the tip
  • The arc of the fingers follows the shape of the glass you're holding

Of course, in that location are lots of other manus poses for you to practice. These are just some examples to help get you started and get more than familiar with the proportions of the hands and how the fingers move in different situations.

If you're serious about drawing easily, spend 15 minutes a twenty-four hour period drawing them in different poses such equally the ones in this article.

You'll be surprised at how apace everything starts to brand sense, and how your drawings gradually showtime to await more than realistic.

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How to Draw a Hand Holding a Pencil Easy TUTORIAL

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