Jack's Special Abilities Got Reset in Gears of War 5 UPDATED

Jack's Special Abilities Got Reset in Gears of War 5

A rack containing a single Component. Racks have a maximum capacity of 5.

An early on concept of Components

Components are collectibles used to amend Jack's abilities in the campaign of Gears 5. In that location are a total of 289 components spread out across all iv Acts.273 components are needed to fully upgrade Jack.


  • 1 List of Component Locations
    • 1.i Act 1: 16 components
      • one.1.i Chapter 1: 0 components
      • 1.one.2 Chapter two: two components
      • 1.1.3 Chapter 3: eight components
      • 1.1.iv Affiliate 4: 6 components
    • i.two Human activity ii: 106 components
      • 1.2.1 Chapter 1 (Recruitment Bulldoze): 18 components
      • 1.two.2 Affiliate 2 (Into the Wild): 4 components
      • i.2.iii Chapter 3 (Forest for the Trees): 9 components
      • i.2.4 Chapter 4 (The Source of it All): 54 components
      • ane.ii.five Chapter 5 (Dirtier Little Secrets): 21 components
    • ane.3 Act 3: 152 components
      • 1.iii.1 Chapter 1: 106 components
      • 1.3.two Affiliate two: 31 components
      • ane.iii.3 Chapter 3: 15 components
    • ane.four Deed 4: fifteen components
      • 1.four.one Chapter 1: xv components
  • two Video Guides
    • two.1 Act i
    • two.2 Act 2
    • 2.three Act 3
    • 2.4 Act 4
  • 3 Behind the scenes

List of Component Locations [ ]

Deed 1: 16 components [ ]

Chapter 1: 0 components [ ]

Components are non institute in this chapter of the entrada.

Chapter 2: 2 components [ ]

Component Location
one On pinnacle of the desk in the Armory
2 On a crate in front of a locker in the back of the Armory

Chapter 3: eight components [ ]

Component Location
1 Afterwards fighting off the juvies in the crash, on a desk in an office with black and white tiled floor
2 After the Swarmak smashes through the side of the edifice, upstairs on the desk in the center
3-5 Later on the COG soldier shoots at you, downstairs on the right in a box on the wall
6 In the bathroom directly ahead after finding the civilians
7 At the park with stairs going downwardly right and left, take the right path, and across the broken bridge. Utilize Jack to pick information technology upwardly
8 At the village square, within the fruit shop on the left in a box on the wall

Chapter 4: 6 components [ ]

Component Location
1 In a java shop on the left before the fire blocking the path
2 In a building blocked off by fire to the right later going through the building after the outset fire blocking the path. Employ stimy to get through the burn
3 In a truck bed at the loading dock for the hotel. The dock door will need to be opened first
iv In the laundry room of the hotel, in a box on the wall
5 In the theater, on a shelf in a storage room right inside the dressing rooms. Use Jack to selection it up
6 In the theater, on the mode out after the phase fight, inside the electrical room in a box on the wall

Human action 2: 106 components [ ]

Chapter ane (Recruitment Bulldoze): 18 components [ ]

Component Location
1-3 At the beginning of the affiliate, down the stairs and inside a shop on the right
four In the edifice opposite the auto store, on the footing nigh some blocks of ice
5 In the building on the other side of the main path from the automobile shop to the left of the infirmary, on a shelf to the left of some green crates
half dozen Afterward the first prepare of security gates, on a shelf in the building to the right of the steam machine that explodes
7 In the store reverse of the abode of the facist-calling boy
8 Afterwards the 2d set of security gates, down the stairs and in the storage room on the left
nine After the vision, on a shelf in the back of the room on the left with the electric panels
10 After the vision, down the stairs, and behind the small-scale meat shack on the right
11-thirteen In the room with the daze trap, inside a small side room on the left
14 In the room with the generator and armory, on the right after entering the armory
15 In the dark room, in a box on the wall on the correct side
16-eighteen In the dark room, up the ladder on the left side

Affiliate 2 (Into the Wild): 4 components [ ]

All chapter 2 components can likewise be collected in Affiliate iv

Component Zone Location
one Open Earth Past a destroyed centaur just due west of the Old COG Gate
two Open World At the bottom of the wooden ramp leading to the red shack due east of the Train Tunnel
3 Train Tunnel In the train car at the end
4 Outsider Camp In the open on a sail

Chapter three (Forest for the Trees): 9 components [ ]

Component Location
1-3 After killing the Warden, inside a safe in the basement of the building on the right
four-6 Subsequently falling downward a hole, in prison house cell filled with poisonous substance gas. Use Jack or stim to pick it upwardly
7-9 Later falling downward a pigsty, in a room on the correct just before the doors out of the prisons into a morgue

Chapter 4 (The Source of it All): 54 components [ ]

Chapter 2 components tin too be collected in Chapter 4

Component Zone Location
i-3 Quondam COG Wall Within a box on the wall inside the command room
4-half-dozen Old COG Wall Within a box on the right side pillar exterior the second gate
7-9 Condor Crash Site (Cliff) Inside a box on the wall of the condor chassis to the correct of the path upward
x-12 Condor Crash Site (Cliff) By the safety at the finish of the southern cliffside Condor Crash Site
13 East Tower Substation On the ground within the East Belfry Substation to the left of the large screen
14 East Comm Tower Once inside the tower, down the stairs and around to the right, in a corner by the stairs
15 E Comm Tower In the second room of the belfry, on the right on meridian of a filing cabinet. Employ Jack to pick it up
16-20 East Comm Belfry In the room with the two disabled turrets, within a box on the wall downwards the stairs and around to the left
21 Open World Past ii pieces of a Condor'southward chasis, southwest of the eastern Erstwhile Derrick Site
22-24 North Belfry Substation Inside a box on the wall outside the left side of the substation
25 North Belfry Substation On the floor inside the substation, opposite the large screen
26-28 North Comm Tower Within a rubber in the crashed condor on the fashion to the belfry
29-31 North Comm Tower Inside a safe to the right of the archway to the tower, surrounded by rejects
32 North Comm Tower Within a box on the wall in the small room to the left later on entering the tower
33-35 Open World Behind the drill past the corpse to the left but exterior of the entrance to the western Old Derrick Site
36-38 Old Derrick Site (East) Behind a pair of brittle ice pillars to the left of the grindlift with the ladder
39 Condor Crash Site (North) At the offset of the clay path leading to the northern Condor Crash Site, accept a right up the snowy hill, and look to the left by the open pod
40-42 Condor Crash Site (North) On the main path of the northern Condor Crash Site near a pod that spawns a Shephard
43 Condor Crash Site (North) On the exit path of the northern Condor Crash Site, on the left before dropping down
44 Open up World In the snow on the west side of a cylindrical storage tank overlooking the cliff north of the Abandoned Mine
45 Open World In the snow on the north side of the cylindrical storage tank merely outside of the entrance to the Abandoned Mine
46 Abandoned Mine In the yellowish train car blocking the tunnel on the way to the mine
47-51 Abandoned Mine Afterward lifting the gate to enter the mine, inside a condom in the room to the right
52-54 Abandoned Mine Later opening a double door into a room with lots of pods, inside a box on the wall in the room to the left

Chapter v (Dirtier Footling Secrets): 21 components [ ]

Component Location
1-5 After the first vision at the gates to the Kadar Facility, within a box on the wall in the room with a generator to the left of the main entrance
6 In the room with the cryo jets, on a desk in the room on the mode to the generator
7-11 In the room with the cryo jets, in a box on the wall in the room on the right
12 In the room with the "unstable specimens", on a desk upward the ramp
13-xv In the second room with malfuctioning cryo jets, on a shelf
sixteen On a shelf to the correct of Niles' corpse
17-21 Afterwards the dame makes her starting time appearance, destroy the iced locust across the hole to reveal the components, and then selection them up with Jack

Deed three: 152 components [ ]

Chapter 1: 106 components [ ]

All components in Chapter 1 can be likewise exist collected in Chapter 2 or 3

Component Zone Location
i Abased Aerodrome On a desk in the small part straight alee at the showtime of the chapter
2 Abandoned Airdrome After going down the stairs at the kickoff of the chapter, on the keyboard of a calculator on the desk-bound straight ahead
three-5 Abandoned Drome Before talking to Baird, follow the sign pointing to Passport/Baggage Merits, and head right into a small room. Look on top of a shelf to the left, and use Jack to choice them up
6 Abandoned Airport To the right of Baird, below a partially disassembled Sentinel
7-9 Abandoned Airdrome To the right of the Hijack testing expanse
ten-12 Abased Airport On the way to Paduk, go straight past the get out into a room and look inside a box on the wall on the left
13 Abased Aerodrome After exiting the aerodrome to talk to Paduk, head left, and on a tabular array to the left
14-18 Abased Airport Behind the tent Paduk is sitting in front of, inside a locked condom
nineteen-21 Abandoned Airport Inside the Abased Airdrome zone in a box on the wall on the left side of Hangar 1
22-26 Open Globe Outside the Abandoned Airport zone in a box on the wall on the right side of Hangar three
27 Open World On the other side of the road from the hangars outside the Abased Aerodrome zone, by the sandbags blocking the road
28 Open World Southeast of the Abandoned Airport confronting the s map bounds, by a dead UIR soldier side by side to a motorcar
29-31 Water Tower Behind the building the Nomad in, in a box on the wall
32 H2o Tower Upward the ladder on the side of the building the Nomad in, beyond a gap in the ramps. Use Jack to option it up
33-37 Open up World South of the Water Tower and Southwest of the Cosmonaut Training Facility against the s map premises, by some DeeBee pods
38 Cosmonaut Grooming Facility At the entrance to the zone, follow the path left effectually the crashed tank off the dirt path, on the groun by some chassis pieces
39-41 Cosmonaut Training Facility Before inbound the Cosmonaut Preparation Facility through the double doors, in a box on the wall to the right of the pigsty in the wall when facing away from the doors
42 Cosmonaut Training Facility After entering the Cosmonaut Training Facility through the double doors, on the left after heading down a bit. Use Jack to pick them upwards
43-45 Cosmonaut Training Facility After sliding downwards a short ramp, to the left through a metal detector/security checkpoint
46-50 Cosmonaut Training Facility After opening the shutters, continue down the corridor, in a room on the right inside a locked safe
51-53 Cosmonaut Grooming Facility Afterwards wiping clean the swarm assholes in the corridor fight confronting a scion with a breastwork, in a room on the right full of space suits in a box on the wall in the back
54-58 Cosmonaut Training Facility Afterwards dropping down from the section with the cranes, through the locked door on the right breaking a lock on a door, in a box on the wall
59-61 Cosmonaut Training Facility After ducking nether some DeeBees, past some DeeBee pods on the left on the path forwards
62 Cosmonaut Training Facility After securing the beacon, go past the double doors to the side by side expanse, on a table at the end of a short hallway
63-67 Cosmonaut Training Facility Later securing the beacon, get past the double doors to the adjacent area, in the dark room on the right in a box on the wall
68-70 Nomad Convoy At the end of the convoy at the opening of a yellow crate

(Does not spawn until later the Hammer of Dawn targeting beacons are retrieved and one returns to become Jack's Shield upgrade)

71-75 Open Globe West of the Pump Station against the n map bounds, underneath the slightly open gate in the barricade wall
76-78 Open World Northeast of the entrance to the Pump Station, between ii cars
79 Pump Station To the correct of the command panel, on top of a crate
fourscore-82 Open Earth On the northwest side of the support pillare of the bridge between the Pump Station and City Ruins, inside a box on the wall.
83-85 Open Earth Northwest of the Metropolis Ruins, inside the buildings confronting the wall
86-88 City Ruins In the final room before leaving the City Ruins, inside a box on the wall to the left of the entrance
89-91 Open Globe West of Harbor Docks, underneath 3 xanthous pipes inside a box on the wall
92 Harbor Docks On the eastern ship, towards the northeast on top of a support pillar
93 Harbor Docks S of the western sunken ship, on a wooden transport platform
94-98 Open up World South of Harbor Docks, between three broken down UIR Pariah tanks
99-103 Open World At the southeastern portion of the UIR wall, within a box on the wall
104-106 Open World South of the Rocket Hangar, on the due east side of a lone gun bombardment, inside a box on the wall

Chapter 2: 31 components [ ]

All Chapter i and Chapter iii components tin can as well be collected in Chapter two

Component Zone Location
1-three Rocket Hangar Technically earlier the start of Chapter ii - afterwards the turrets, when the door marked A03 leading into the Rocket Hangar and the start of chapter 2 comes into view, plough right onto the tilted platform and follow the path to a box on the wall
4 Rocket Hangar At the start of Chapter 2, follow the stairs on the left down, back up, and then to the right backside the sandbags
5-7 Rocket Hangar After opening the shutters in the command middle and entering the actual rocket hangar, down the stairs to the correct and straight ahead in a box on the wall
8-10 Rocket Hangar After opening the shutters in the command center and entering the actual rocket hangar, downwards the stairs to the right, swing around to the correct, and to the right of the twin silver pipes in a box on the wall
11-13 Rocket Hangar After travelling across the chasm in the gantry, follow the path left earlier the door to the stop to a box on the wall
fourteen-sixteen Rocket Hangar Later on a small run across with drones and a hunter, simply before the doors to the facility, follow the path to the right, leading to some crates on a catwalk to a higher place the door
17-19 Rocket Hangar In the corridor with the turret, in a side room almost the turret, in a box on the wall
20-22 Rocket Hangar Later sliding downwardly a ramp and going nether some rubble into a large room, head direct forward and left at the dead UIR soldier, follow the path to some sandbags, and so inside a box on the wall
23-25 Rocket Hangar In the nighttime corridor where Kait asks Jack for light, follow the path passing the lit up room, on the fllor behind the sandbags
26-28 Rocket Hangar After fighting the carrier, in the room with the elevator, up the stairs and in the dorsum to the right in a box on the wall
29-31 Railroad train Turntable Inside the control room, in a box on the wall

Chapter three: 15 components [ ]

All Chapter i components can also be nerveless in Chapter 3

Component Zone Location
1-three Artillery Battery Inside the command room on the top floor, in a box on the wall
4 Open Earth North of the Cargo Shipwreck, by a disassembled Shepherd
5-7 Cargo Shipwreck Below the stairs at the end of the Cargo Shipwreck by a disassembled Shepherd
eight Open up World Direct behind the Crashed Condor site by some crates, one can see the marking flag from it, dorsum of the fuselage
9 Open World Directly w of the Crashed Condor site by some crates, smallest droppings pile
10 Open up World Directly northwest of the Crashed Condor site on peak of a crate inside some Condor chassis droppings, next to a tri-shot

(DR-1s will set on)

11-15 Crashed Condor Inside a locked safe in the Crashed Condor

Deed 4: 15 components [ ]

Chapter 1: 15 components [ ]

Component Location
1 At the very offset of the chapter, turn around and get back into the edifice, and expect on the basis backside some crates on the left

Later on beingness lifted by Cole, on a desk-bound to the right

v-nine Afterwards killing the Swarmak, continue towards the Tomb of the Unknowns until a rusted blue van. Turn right at the van towards a dead terminate road, and and so hop over the barricade on the right

In the section with the Rejects, look for a path downward. Hop over the ii train rail at the bottom, and then wait on the ground. Alternatively, afterwards killing the Stump, head back to the archway to the Stump's area and await for the path down

13-15 Subsequently witnessing the flocks flying by, the components can exist seen on a ledge side by side to a tree and van

Video Guides [ ]

Act 1 [ ]


Gears 5 Act 1 All Collectibles Components Locations Guide - Collectibles Components Walkthrough-0

Act 2 [ ]


Gears 5 Act ii All Collectibles Components Locations Guide - Collectibles Components Walkthrough

Deed 3 [ ]


Gears 5 Deed three All Collectibles Components Locations Guide - Collectibles Components Walkthrough

Act iv [ ]


Gears v Act four All Collectibles Components Locations Guide - Collectibles Components Walkthrough

Behind the scenes [ ]

  • There is one Achievement for Gears 5 that involves collecting 273 out of the 289 available components:
    • JACKed Upwards! - Fully upgrade Jack'south Abilities and Passives in Campaign
  • Components seem to reset every playthough of Gears 5.


Jack's Special Abilities Got Reset in Gears of War 5 UPDATED

Posted by: madonnathaton.blogspot.com
